Examine everything (by right-clicking it), including items in your inventory.If you're stuck and have a lot of patience, talk to everyone again: you could discover that some character has a new hint for you, or you may see that a question you already asked is still on a dialogue menu, underscoring the importance of the information it leads to.
#Deponia 3 walkthrough adventure zone how to#
Sometimes a character will give Rufus information that unlocks the next segment of his Plan other times you'll be given subtle hints on how to solve a problem. Mouse over any drawing without a green checkmark on it to see what you should be working on. To view the Plan, you can either click on one of those icons, or open your inventory and click the light bulb in the upper left of that screen. Any time you hear a "ding" and/or the sound of a pencil scratching on paper, and see a light bulb or an exclamation point appear on the upper right side of the screen, that means there's new information for you on the Plan if you see a little green checkmark icon, that means you've completed one of the tasks on the Plan. All rights reserved on that word i just made up.* However, hints are difficult to work into a walkthrough without making it REALLY long and requiring readers to mouse over a LOT of spoiler text (which is unsearchable, making the guide MUCH harder to use), so perhaps a separate "cluethrough" is in order to do that up right. I've also made a feeble effort to provide hints to tip you over the edge of figuring out the problem yourself before being handed the answer. Please note that this method does not always provide the fastest way through the game, if that's what you're looking for. Therefore, i tried to organize this guide in such a way that you can search it for the obstacle you're trying to pass (like stealing Bozo's Towel, for example) and find all the information you need collected right there without having to do very much additional rummaging around. I'm guessing i'm not the only one who does it that second way. When referring to other guides, i found information to be grouped in a way that catered to readers who were following them to the letter start to finish, whereas i was only checking here and there to get past specific frustrations. I created these Deponia: The Complete Journey guides (links to the rest of them at the end of this document) based on my dissatisfaction with the way other walkthroughs are organized.